
Cat Behavior Problems: What To Watch Out For

October 19, 2023by Nicole Tengco0

Most cat lovers are aware that cats are full of twists and turns. They can be purring and happy one minute, only to turn into a hissing bundle of fur the next. 

Is it a mood swing? A rough, playful behavior? Or is it a sign that something is wrong with your feline friend? 

If this has ever happened to you and your little ball of fur, you’re not alone. Many cat parents have been left scratching their heads (and nursing their scratched hands) trying to decipher this purr-plexing behavior. 

In this article, we’ll discuss some common behavioral issues in cats and what you should be worried about.

Aggression: Biting, Scratching, Hissing, Growling

One of the most common behavior problems cat parents see is aggression. This can manifest in many ways, such as hissing, growling, scratching, or biting. 

Although some cats are more playful and assertive than others, sudden or unprovoked aggression can indicate an underlying issue. 

Increased feline aggression could occur due to a medical condition, stress, fear, or even frustration. If your usually sweet cat suddenly becomes aggressive, a trip to the vet may be ideal.

Sudden Changes in Eating Habits

If your cat starts eating more or less than usual, it’s best to look into it, as it could be a sign of illness. 

A loss of appetite could occur because of dental problems, tummy issues, or other health problems. Meanwhile, overeating could be a sign of diabetes or hyperthyroidism. 

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Toilet Problems

This is another common issue. If your cat begins going number one or number two outside of their litter box, it’s a clear sign of a problem. 

This could be due to various reasons, such as a urinary tract infection, diabetes, kidney disease, or arthritis, making climbing into the litter box painful. Toilet problems in cats could also be due to stress or changes in the home that are causing your cat anxiety. 

So, if you notice this behavior, it’s essential to consult with a vet to rule out any health problems.

Changes in Activity Level

If your cat suddenly becomes weak and lethargic or becomes overactive, it could also spell trouble. 

A lack of energy and activity can signify several health problems, such as anemia, heart disease, or infection. Hyperactivity, especially in older cats, could be a sign of hyperthyroidism.

Excessive Grooming

Although cats spend many waking hours cleaning themselves, excessive grooming can be a sign of a problem. This can lead to hair loss and skin irritation. 

Excessive grooming in cats can be due to allergies, skin parasites, or other skin diseases. It can also be a sign of stress or anxiety. 

Making Too Much Noise

Some cats can be quite loud and vocal by default, but if your cat becomes excessively vocal and spends a lot of time meowing, yowling, or crying, it may be best to go to a vet.

Excessive vocalization could be due to a variety of issues, such as hyperthyroidism, high blood pressure, or even mental decline in older cats. It can also be a sign of stress or anxiety.

Getting Help for Your Feline Friend

Cats are good at hiding signs of illness, so it’s best to stay observant and investigate what your cat may be trying to tell you. Any behavioral changes and issues should be taken seriously. If you notice any of these behavior problems in your cat, it’s best to call your vet.

Veterinarians are the best resource for addressing any concerns about your cat’s behavior. If you’re ready to call a vet, PetPal has your back. Book an online consultation today!

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