
Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Pet

January 23, 2023by petpal0

Thinking of adopting a pet from an animal center? Well, we are here to give you that little push! There are different pets that are up for adoption in shelters, including dogs, cats, rabbits, and more. Adopting a pet has a lot of advantages, not just for you but for them and the community as well! Let’s identify the top five reasons why you should really adopt a pet. 

It will cost less
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Buying a pet somewhere can cause you a great amount of money, while when you adopt a pet, it will cost you less. Many shelters and rescues have provided medical care to their pets before they offer them for adoption. These medical care can include spray or neutering, first vaccinations, parasite prevention for fleas, ticks, heartworm disease, and microchipping. Also, adoption fees don’t usually cost that much compared to buying a new dog or a cat. 

With the given medical care, all you need to plan and think about is long-term preventative care of your adopted pet. Plus, there are free and low-cost adoption events anywhere, usually in malls, and they are becoming more and more popular. 

You will find a great addition to your family

Unlike when you buy a pet, the connection is gradual and over time, while with adopting, you tend to choose which one in the shelter genuinely connects with you. From there, you have found a great addition to your family. 

Usually, pets in shelters are helped to become happy and healthy, especially those that come from abusive pet owners. These pets in the adoption centers are just waiting for pet lovers to take them home. 

Some reasons why these pets are surrendered in the shelters are the inability to sustain the needs of the pet, lack of pet-friendly housing, and no access to veterinary care. Plus, reasons for moving to another country or other systemic changes. 

So, not all pets in the adoption came from the streets, they also came from loving homes. 

Join a community
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Adopting a pet means you are joining a community of animal lovers, and you support pet adoption. You get to meet new people and, eventually, become friends with those who share the same values as you. 

As the shelter loves the pets they have rescued or received, there are times that you can do meet-ups to do a kamustahan or join their Facebook groups to be aware of their events and programs. It is a huge community that you will surely love to be involved with, as it is for a good cause!

Pets are already trained

As mentioned above, some of the pets in the adoption center have prior homes, so they are already trained to be house dogs or cats. Some are maybe living on their own in the streets, but shelters have ways to train and correct their rescues’ behaviors, so you don’t need to worry about them, too! 

You’re saving a life when you adopt 

Let’s get straight to the point. When you adopt a pet, you are saving a life, and not all people can be great pet owners due to their lifestyle. Hence, if you can give a good home to a lost animal, you are absolutely a hero! 

You support a wholesome community that changes the welfare of the unheard part of society which is the pet animals. Puppies and kittens available in pet stores are in business to gain profit. Generally, these pets acquire ill health and problems, such as poor socialization because of no consistent human companionship and genetic defects because of inbreeding. 

Every year, many dogs and cats are euthanized when they are not adopted from the shelter. This happens because the shelter needs to make space for other rescues. Buying a pet is not a bad thing; they can be great pets, too. However, it won’t hurt to have one adopted! You will realize that all animals are the same, regardless of their breed and background, with a loving and caring home. 

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