
Rabbit Munchies: The Best Food to Feed Your Bunny

June 24, 2023by Roselle Espina0

Who does not love a good and delicious meal, right? Even our bunny friends love them, too! Rabbits enjoy eating meals with a combination of hay, pellets, vegetables, and treats. Not to mention this combination is also super healthy and delicious for them. 

Yes, rabbits are obviously herbivores, which means they eat plant-based foods and not meat.

Though there are some instances in that bunnies may not identify the difference and eat some random meat pieces near them, you can be sure that they love eating plants more! 

Of course, water is as important as food as well for your bunny’s diet. Your bunny should have easy access to water all the time as they love munching. 

Best food choices for your rabbit 

Below are the best food choices for your rabbit’s diet. 

  1. Hay

First on the list is every rabbit’s favorite meal—hay. Ultimately, nothing will ever munch them more than fresh hay in front of them. Hay is also important in their diet. 

To feed your bunny pet, you need a regular supply of Timothy grass hay or oat grass hay. Also, Alfalfa hay is okay for those young bunnies; however, this type of hay should not be for adults as it has higher sugar content and calorie count.

Another thing in choosing hay is that you need to make sure that it looks and smells fresh. Hay must not be kept for too long to the point that it turns brown. 

When this happens, the hay has already developed mold and doesn’t smell like grass anymore—your bunny will surely not be satisfied! 

What hay can provide to your bunny?

  • Prevents certain health issues – hay contains a good amount of fiber needed to prevent diarrhea, obesity, and hairballs for your rabbit. 
  • Aids in digestion – hay also allows good digestion for them. 
  • Wears down growing teeth – by eating hay, your bunny can easily wear down its constantly growing teeth and keeps its incisors in good condition. 
  1. Vegetables

Next, we have vegetables as the second most important part of your bun-bun’s diet. In adding vegetables to their meals, you can choose three different kinds in small quantities during each meal.

Take note that veggies must also be fresh and have no pesticides, and should be washed thoroughly before allowing your bunnies to eat them. 

Some good examples of vegetables for your rabbit are green, leafy vegetables, such as the following: 

  • Arugula
  • Basil
  • Bok choy
  • Broccoli leaves
  • Carrot tops
  • Celery
  • Clover
  • Collard greens
  • Dandelion leaves
  • Dark leaf lettuce
  • Kale in small quantities
  • Mint
  • Parsley
Image from Unsplash
  1. Pellets

Pellets are also a great addition to your long-eared pet’s diet, along with hay and veggies. 

Generally, pellets to feed must be high in fiber and low in protein. Plus, they should not contain any seeds, corn, or other foods high in calories. In fact, bunnies only eat pellets if they are fresh and crunchy!

Also, the amount of pellets in your rabbit’s diet should be lessened as they grow old. Pellets must be given in uniform size, shape, and color.

Foods that are bad for rabbits 

  • Avocados
  • Broad beans and kidney beans
  • Chocolate
  • Fruit seeds or pits
  • House plants
  • Iceberg lettuce
  • Meat, eggs, and dairy
  • Mushrooms
  • Processed foods, including bread, cookies, crackers, chips,  pasta, and alike
  • Raw onions, leeks, and garlic
  • Raw potatoes
  • Rhubarb

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