
Food Supplements For Your Cat: Why You Should Consider It

July 19, 2023by Nicole Tengco0

Taking care of our furry feline pals involves more than just giving them love and attention. It’s vital to ensure they eat a balanced diet that keeps them healthy and energetic. 

Although commercial cat foods are manufactured to provide all the necessary nutrients, some cats might benefit from extra supplements to meet their needs. But of course, we have to be careful when choosing the right supplements. Not all of them are safe or suitable for our beloved kitties.

In this article, let’s dive into food supplements for your cat and figure out which ones are safe and actually good for them.

The Advantages of Giving Food Supplements for Your Cats

The right food supplements offer a range of advantages for our feline friends, such as:

Addressing Nutritional Deficiencies

While you may give your cat a well-balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, it may benefit from feline food supplements to fill nutritional gaps. 

Even if you give the best commercial cat foods, ensuring every nutrient requirement is met can be challenging. Supplements can help ensure your cat receives a well-rounded and balanced diet.

Aiding Tummy Health

Some supplements, like probiotics and prebiotics, play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy digestive system. 

Giving these supplements to your cat can promote good gut flora, alleviate gastrointestinal issues, improve digestion, and help with nutrient absorption. A healthy tummy makes for a happy cat!

Enhancing Immune Function

Some food supplements can help strengthen your cat’s immunity against various illnesses. Vitamin E, for example, is a great antioxidant, which protects cells from damage and supports immune function. 

L-lysine also plays a vital role in protecting your catto against some common viral infections like feline herpesvirus.

Improving Your Cat’s Overall Health

By providing the right nutrition and protection against health issues, some food supplements can help improve your cat’s overall well-being and potentially help your cat live a longer, happier life. 

It’s best to remember that while food supplements can provide numerous benefits, they should never replace a balanced diet!

Photo by Ralph

Which Food Supplements Can You Give Your Cat?

Here are some excellent food supplements you can safely give your feline friend:

Probiotics and Prebiotics

Probiotics and prebiotics are generally considered safe for cats when used as suggested by a vet.  

Probiotics are good bacteria that promote a healthy gut ecosystem, while prebiotics are fibers that serve as food for the good bacteria in your cat’s gut. By incorporating these into your furry friend’s diet, you’ll help improve their digestive health and overall well-being.

Probiotics and prebiotics can help cats with digestive issues like diarrhea, constipation, or inflammatory bowel disease (IBS)—yes, they have these problems, too! 

These supplements can also support cats undergoing antibiotic therapy, as they help restore the balance of good bacteria in the gut

However, it’s best to choose probiotics and prebiotics specifically formulated for cats. After all, their digestive systems are different from ours. Consult your vet to ensure you get the right products. Don’t forget to follow the vet’s dosage guidelines for your cat’s specific needs.

Amino Acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, supporting numerous vital functions in cats. One particularly important amino acid for cats is taurine, which is crucial for their vision and heart function. 

Cats can’t synthesize this nutrient from other amino acids and must get it from their diet. If your feline friend can’t obtain this from its food, you may have to give supplements to ensure your furry little buddy isn’t deficient and won’t run into health issues.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals help maintain the health and well-being of cats. Although cats should get these essential nutrients from a balanced diet, some cats need a boost. Here are some of the most important vitamins and minerals for cats:

  • Vitamin A is essential for your cat’s vision, cell function, and immunity. Cats typically get this nutrient from animal matter, as they can’t digest plant-based vitamin A very well.
  • B Vitamins: B vitamins are a group of nutrients that help cats metabolize food and convert it into energy. These vitamins also aid in brain function and cellular health.
  • Vitamin D: Cats need vitamin D for bone health, as it helps them process the calcium and phosphorus in their diets. They can get this from sunlight exposure, but indoor cats may need it mostly from their diets.
  • Vitamin E protects cats against cell damage, supports their immunity, and promotes healthy skin and coats.
  • Calcium and Phosphorus: These essential minerals form a delicate balance to aid in cats’ bone health.
  • Iron: Iron helps cats transport oxygen to their organs effectively. Although iron deficiency is rare in cats, some may have conditions that require supplementation.
  • Magnesium: This mineral is essential for the function of vital enzymes in your cat’s body. It also supports muscle function and cell health. However, excessive magnesium can be harmful, so it’s best to first listen to your vet’s advice.

Essential Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are crucial for cats’ overall well-being. These nutrients provide numerous benefits, such as keeping their skin and coat looking fab, helping their brains work properly, boosting their immune system, and even reducing inflammation. 

Cats need two main essential fatty acids: omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), have a lot of benefits for cats. They help make cats’ skin and coats all nice and healthy, calm down inflammation, and keep their hearts in good shape. 

Omega-6 fatty acids, like linoleic acid, are also highly beneficial for our furry pals. These nutrients help keep their skin in top-notch condition, give their coat that shiny look we all love, and support their overall cellular health. Cats need a good amount of omega-6 fatty acids to thrive and feel their best.

The key is ensuring cats get the right omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids in their diet. Most commercial cat foods provide the right proportions of these fatty acids, but in specific situations, vets might recommend giving cats extra omega-3 fatty acid supplements to make sure they’re getting what they need. 

Photo by William Sutherland

What to Consider Before Giving Food Supplements to Your Cat

Before you give food supplements to your cat, it’s crucial to consult a veterinarian first. What’s safe for one cat may not be ideal for another, and having a vet assess your little pal can go a long way. This is because factors like your cat’s overall health, specific dietary needs, potential allergies, and age all can play a role in determining if food supplements could benefit or harm them.

It’s also critical to know that you shouldn’t give your cat supplements made for humans, as people and cats have vastly different digestive systems and microbiomes!

The Takeaway

When it comes to the health and well-being of our feline companions, providing them with a balanced and nutritious diet is always vital. However, some cats may benefit from food supplements as extra sources of nutrition. Some probiotics, prebiotics, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids can support cats’ overall health.

Before giving any food supplements to your cat, however, it’s best to assess their safety. Consulting a vet is paramount, as they can determine whether or not your cat can benefit from supplements.

If you’re looking out for your pet’s health, why not call a vet today? Book a consultation with PetPal or schedule a home vet visit for your beloved furry companion!

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