
Cat Obesity: What You Should Know

July 2, 2023by Nicole Tengco0

As cats gracefully roam our homes or curl up on our laps with their chunky tummies swaying cutely, it’s easy to overlook the impact of excessive weight gain on their well-being. But just like humans, cats can also become overweight or obese. This growing issue has caught the attention of many veterinarians and pet owners due to its prevalence and potential health risks.

Obesity in cats can look cute on the outside because of their comically fluffy bodies, but it isn’t merely about appearance. It comes with significant health dangers and can lead to chronic conditions that decrease their quality of life. To ensure your furry companion’s long-term health and happiness, it’s crucial to understand the causes, risks, and solutions related to feline obesity.

In this article, let’s explore the complex issue of obesity in cats. We’ll dive into the root causes and shed light on the potential risks associated with this condition.

We’ll also provide practical tips for preventing and managing obesity and promoting a healthy weight for your cat. Let’s start!

Feline Obesity and Its Causes

So, what’s the deal with obesity in cats? Feline obesity happens when your furry friend’s body weight goes overboard, surpassing what’s considered healthy for their breed and size. This happens mainly because they’re chowing down on more calories than they burn off through running around and metabolizing the energy. Many things can contribute to this weighty issue; before you know it, your kitty is packing on the pounds.

Here are some of the most common causes of obesity in cats:


Sometimes, no matter how much cats beg, we must learn to say no. Overfeeding your furry feline friend can have some serious consequences. Just like us humans, cats have a specific amount of food they should be consuming to maintain a healthy weight. When we go overboard and dish out too much grub, it can lead to feline obesity. Also, free-feeding or leaving food available throughout the day can result in constant grazing and uncontrolled consumption.

Sedentary Lifestyle

We all know cats love lounging around, but when your cat goes on too long without much physical activity, it can lead to some not-so-great consequences.

When cats have a sedentary lifestyle, they’re not getting enough exercise or movement in their daily routine. While it may seem cute and cozy, this lack of physical activity can actually harm them because it may lead to weight gain. They’re natural hunters, so when they’re not burning off calories through play and movement, those extra calories start accumulating as fat.

Poor Diet Choices

When it comes to poor diet choices, it typically means feeding our furry friends food that’s high in calories but lacking in nutritional value. If a cat’s diet consists of too many fatty or sugary foods, it can contribute to weight gain. These foods often have more calories than their bodies need, and if they keep chowing down on them without burning off the excess calories, the cat may start to get too chonky.

Spaying or Neutering

Spaying or neutering cats can increase their appetite and change how their bodies metabolize energy. This makes them more prone to weight gain if their food intake is not adjusted accordingly.


Some cats easily gain weight because they inherited this trait from their parents. Although genetics play a role, remember that environmental factors also heavily influence your furry friend’s weight.

Body Condition Scoring in Cats

Photo from Cat’s Whiskers Veterinary Clinic

Body condition scoring (BCS) is a valuable tool that vets use to determine the body fat and overall health of a cat. The scoring involves evaluating various aspects of the cat’s body (via looking and feeling) to see whether it is underweight, at an ideal weight, overweight, or obese. Doing so can help gauge your pet’s body composition and make better-informed choices regarding their diet, exercise, and overall care.

The BCS system uses a numerical scale ranging from 1 to 9, with each number representing a specific body condition. Here is a quick breakdown of the BCS scale:

  1. Emaciated: The cat is extremely underweight. It has prominent bones, no visible fat, and lacks muscle mass.

2-3. Underweight: The cat is a little too thin, with minimal body fat. The waist outline is highly visible, and there is little muscle mass.

4-5. Ideal weight: This is when the cat is at just the right weight with a proportionate body shape. Ribs can be felt but aren’t overly prominent, and there is a well-defined waistline.

6-7. Overweight: This is when the cat has excess body fat, and the ribs are difficult to feel. The waistline is less defined, and fat deposits may exist around the abdomen and base of the tail.

8-9. Obese: The cat is significantly overweight when it falls under this category. It has prominent fat deposits throughout the body. The ribs are difficult to feel, and there is a lack of waistline definition.

Consequences of Obesity in Cats

Although chunky-looking cats are comical and adorable, it’s not the best for their health. Here are some negative health consequences of obesity in cats:

  • Joint Problems: Too much weight can strain a cat’s joints, increasing the risk of arthritis and other joint-related issues.
  • Diabetes Mellitus: Cats can have diabetes, too! This is a condition characterized by high blood sugar levels. Obesity can lead to insulin resistance, making it harder for the cat’s body to regulate blood sugar effectively. 
  • Cardiovascular Issues: When your cat is obese, their heart tends to work harder. This can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular problems.
  • Decreased Lifespan: Although it’s a sad thought, the slew of problems caused by obesity can shorten a cat’s lifespan. Keep those nine lives long by putting your catto on a diet!

Prevention and Treatment for Obesity in Cats

Preventing and treating obesity in cats needs a comprehensive approach focusing on diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. Here are some strategies to help your cat:

  • Provide a Balanced Diet: Feed your cat a nutritionally balanced diet that’s right for their age, breed, and activity level. Opt for high-quality cat food that provides nutrients appropriate for their needs.
  • Control Their Portions: Measure your cat’s food portions accurately to avoid overfeeding. Consult your veterinarian to determine the right daily calorie intake for your cat’s weight management goals.
  • Regular Exercise: Engage your cat in regular play sessions to help them get moving. Use interactive toys like laser pointers or feather wands to stimulate their natural hunting instincts. Go for at least 15-20 minutes of playtime daily to help burn calories.
  • Consult a Veterinarian: Let a vet assess your cat’s current weight and provide guidance on a healthy target weight. They may also recommend an appropriate diet and exercise plan tailored to your cat’s specific needs.

The Takeaway

Keeping our cats at a healthy weight is not just about appearances—it’s about ensuring their well-being. Keep the guide above in mind as you help prevent obesity in your cats and give them the happiest, healthiest lives possible!

If you’re looking to consult a vet, we’ve got you covered. At PetPal, we help provide pet parents with the resources they need to keep their furry companions healthy and happy. Schedule a vet consultation today!

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